This panel, from page 32 of Maus, was my favorite panel because it was the first time that I realized this wasn't going to be a normal story about the life of a family of mice. Up until this point, it was easy to identify with what the mice were going through because I had read stories about and seen people get married and have children before. However, although I have read about the Holocaust, that does not come close to being able to say I know what the people who went through the Holocaust had to deal with. I felt really bad when I read this panel because the mice seem intrigued by the swastika and what the Nazi's are doing to their town, but they have no idea about the horror that awaits them. When I read this panel, I wanted to be able to tell the mice to run away because I knew what all of the Nazis would do the Jews, but they did not know. The mice are all looking out the window like the flag is some kind of tourist attraction, but they have no idea what awaits them. It made me realize that none of the people in the Holocaust had any idea what would happen to them and that makes me feel very sad because they had no way of escaping it if they didn't know they needed to escape.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Differences Between Fight Club Movie and Book
I thought that the movie was much more easier to understand than the book, Fight Club. Although there were plot differences between the movie and book, I do not think that the movie ruined the book, however, by being different. Often times when books are made into movies and the plot is changed even a little bit, the movie will be awful. However, with Fight Club, I do not think this is the case. The movie works really well and that is probably why it is such a cult classic. The movie is probably easier to understand because you can actually see what is going through the narrator's head, instead of trying to figure it out on your own. The movie seemed to be more psychological than other movies. It wasn't just about plot. You had to pay attention to things like the scenes with Marla and the narrator arguing in the kitchen to really understand what was going on. It was a movie that you have to think about when watching, and I thought that was awesome.
Marla and the Romantic Triangle
The romantic triangle between Marla, the narrator, and Tyler is confusing because although it's a triangle, there's really only two people involved- Marla and the narrator/Tyler. I've seen countless tv shows and movies and read numerous books with love triangles, but never one where two people were really one person, so this was really interesting to see. I think it's the mystery that surrounds the narrator that makes him attractive to Marla. He goes around acting strangely, which is better seen in the movie because you can see Marla talking to the narrator and Tyler like they're the same person (because they are the same person), but they both have completely different reactions to Marla, and this is confusing both to Marla and to anyone who does not yet realize that Tyler and the narrator are the same person. I think Marla still cares about the narrator because she spent so much time being alone and going to support groups alone, and then came the narrator. She finally had a friend that she could cling to, even if they acted like they hated each other.
General Response to Fight Club
I thought Fight Club was pretty cool. It was my first Chuck Palahniuk book and I have always wanted to read some of his books and I probably will read more now that I've read and liked Fight Club. I wasn't sure if I would like Fight Club because I thought it would just be about fighting and would be really boring, but it wasn't. I thought it was cool how Palahniuk included more than just the Fight Club and talked about the narrator's sleeping habits and how he went to different support groups. It was interesting to read about the different support groups and how they affected Tyler, but I'm glad it didn't drag on like some books do. By introducing Marla, the plot had to move on because she stole Tyler's support groups and he no longer gained anything from them. It was cool how the addition of characters changed the plot, rather than just having random things happen. For example, the introduction of Marla ceased the end of the support groups and the introduction of Tyler began the Fight Clubs. Overall, Fight Club was a pretty good book and I would recommend it to other people, even if they have seen the movie.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Research Paper Draft
There is probably no other group in the United States that affects monetary policy more than the Federal Reserve System. The Fed is an independent entity within the government that seeks to regulate the monetary policy of the U.S. and acts as the country’s central bank. It was created in 1913 by an act of Congress, the Federal Reserve Act, and signed by President Woodrow Wilson. Today, the Fed’s power has grown substantially and it has an even greater influence on the economy than originally intended. As the Federal Reserve gains influence, Americans are beginning to pay more attention to what the Fed does, especially under the two most recent Chairmen of the Fed, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke. Therefore, it is important to understand what exactly the Federal Reserve does and how its impact on the monetary policy in recent years has shaped the U.S. economy.
The structure of the Federal Reserve is much different from other governmental organizations with similar political clout. The Federal Reserve System is made up of a central bank in Washington D.C. and 12 regional banks throughout the country. These banks “share responsibility for supervising and regulating certain financial institutions and activities; for providing banking services to depository institutions and to the federal government; and for ensuring that consumers receive adequate information and fair treatment in their business with the banking system” (FRQ: System). Although the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, it receives its authorization from Congress. It must report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives once and year and testify before the Congressional banking committees twice a year. Members of Congress may also request that a member of the Fed testify before Congress. However, Congress does not have complete authority over the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed is not funded by Congress, but instead by interest gained by the U.S. government. When there is money left over, the money goes to the United States Treasury. To avoid corruption within the Fed System, independent auditors are hired to investigate the Fed’s financial records yearly. The independence of the Federal Reserve from the branches of government helps to lessen corruption among government officials in determining things like how large the money supply should be. Because different political parties have very different ideological views about economics, it would be disastrous if the United States’ monetary policy was constantly changing to satisfy the whims of whichever party was in power at the time.
It is evident that one of the Federal Reserve’s main functions is concerning monetary policy. But what is monetary policy? The Federal Reserve’s website defines monetary policy as “the actions undertaken by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve, to influence the availability and cost of money and credit as a means of helping to promote national economic goals” (FRQ: Monetary). Although the Federal Reserve as an entire body is seen as a figurehead for monetary policy, it is actually a specific group of people within the Fed called the Federal Open Market Committee that is most responsible for monetary policy. The Board of Governors, the Fed’s main people in charge such as Chairman Ben Bernanke, along with the presidents of the regional banks who serve on a rotating basis make up the FOMC. This Committee is responsible for buying and selling government securities and therefore aims "to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates." In addition to the FOMC, the Fed also controls monetary policy by discount window lending and reserve requirements.
Works Cited
Frequently Asked Questions: Federal Reserve System. 7 Mar 2007. Federal Reserve Board. 14
Mar 2011. <>.
Frequently Asked Questions: Monetary Policy. 28 Dec 2010. Federal Reserve Board. 14 Mar
2011. <>.
Summaries of Sources for Research Paper
This source, from the Federal Reserve’s website, talks about the history and main functions of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve System, the central bank of the United States, was created with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and was intended to make the nation’s monetary system more safe and flexible, but its role has increased over time. The Federal Reserve has four main responsibilities: the monetary policy, the supervising of banks, the stabilization of the financial system, and the provision of financial services to both the public and private sectors. The Federal Reserve is centralized in Washington D.C. and has 12 regional banks throughout the U.S. The Board of Governors, the president of the Federal Reserve of New York, and the presidents of other banks who rotate positions make up the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The FOMC is the main tool used by the Federal Reserve to influence market conditions. Although the Federal Reserve receives its authority from Congress, it is still considered independent because its decisions are not ratified by anyone and it does not receive Congressional funding. Therefore, politics are kept out of the Federal Reserve System and it is more difficult for corruption or ideological takeovers to occur. The Federal Reserve is funded mostly by interest gained by government activities and any additional money is returned to the Treasury. The Federal Reserve is required to report to the Speaker of the House at least once a year, and to the Congressional banking committees twice a year. Congress can also request members of the Fed to testify before them. Independent auditors audit the Fed’s financial records.
This source also comes straight from the website of the Federal Reserve. It is a question and answer page about how actions taken by the Federal Reserve affect the monetary policy, and therefore the economy, of the United States. The monetary policy of a nation is determined by a central bank, for example, the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States, and is used to influence the amount and cost of money available in the market. The Federal Reserve uses the tools of open market operations, discount window lending, and reserve requirements in order to set monetary policy and influence the amount of money the U.S. has in reserves and the federal funds rate. These actions can eventually influence things like employment, interest rates, the amount of money and credit in an economy, and even the prices of goods and services. The Federal Open Market Committee, made up of the important people who work for the Federal Reserve, is in charge of setting the federal funds rate, which is the rate that one institution charges another for a sale of overnight funds available from the Federal Reserve. By altering this rate, the Fed can control things like economic growth and inflation rates. The Federal Reserve is also responsible for the money stock, which is the combination of money held by the public, banks, mutual funds, and other financial institutions. It can influence the money stock by changing the interest rates. The Fed is also responsible for setting the national discount rate every 14 days, which is the rate at which banks charge interest to each other for borrowing money.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Blog Assignment 1 - Research Paper Proposal
For my research paper for English 1310, I would like to write about the Federal Reserve. Obviously I will have to narrow down this topic because there are many different aspects of the Federal Reserve that I could write about. The Federal Reserve System started in 1913, so I would have to narrow down a timeframe as well. Therefore, I plan to focus on the time since Alan Greenspan was chairman (1987), so I will be talking about two chairmen, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke. I am considering focusing on the monetary policy under these two chairmen, with emphasis on the money supply and inflation rates and the effects these policies have had on the economy.
As a double major in political science and financial economics, anything involving the government or economics interests me. Something that involves both of these things is even better. Therefore, I would like to write my research paper on the Federal Reserve System and monetary policy, as it is something that greatly interests me and something I would like to learn more about. While most people my age like to watch Jersey Shore, I find interest in watching congressional hearings on the Fed on C-Span. Also, because I am in the Honors Program, I have to write a thesis before I graduate. By writing this paper, I will be able to practice writing about economics before I have to do so for my thesis.
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