Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Differences Between Fight Club Movie and Book

I thought that the movie was much more easier to understand than the book, Fight Club. Although there were plot differences between the movie and book, I do not think that the movie ruined the book, however, by being different. Often times when books are made into movies and the plot is changed even a little bit, the movie will be awful. However, with Fight Club, I do not think this is the case. The movie works really well and that is probably why it is such a cult classic. The movie is probably easier to understand because you can actually see what is going through the narrator's head, instead of trying to figure it out on your own. The movie seemed to be more psychological than other movies. It wasn't just about plot. You had to pay attention to things like the scenes with Marla and the narrator arguing in the kitchen to really understand what was going on. It was a movie that you have to think about when watching, and I thought that was awesome.

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