Tuesday, April 26, 2011

General Response to Fight Club

I thought Fight Club was pretty cool. It was my first Chuck Palahniuk book and I have always wanted to read some of his books and I probably will read more now that I've read and liked Fight Club. I wasn't sure if I would like Fight Club because I thought it would just be about fighting and would be really boring, but it wasn't. I thought it was cool how Palahniuk included more than just the Fight Club and talked about the narrator's sleeping habits and how he went to different support groups. It was interesting to read about the different support groups and how they affected Tyler, but I'm glad it didn't drag on like some books do. By introducing Marla, the plot had to move on because she stole Tyler's support groups and he no longer gained anything from them. It was cool how the addition of characters changed the plot, rather than just having random things happen. For example, the introduction of Marla ceased the end of the support groups and the introduction of Tyler began the Fight Clubs. Overall, Fight Club was a pretty good book and I would recommend it to other people, even if they have seen the movie.

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